Here is a link to excellent Tajweed lessons in the form of podcasts. You can download them directly (for free) from ITunes for your ipods and iphones.
Tajweed Podcasts
Here is a link to excellent Tajweed lessons in the form of podcasts. You can download them directly (for free) from ITunes for your ipods and iphones.
Tajweed In English
Tajweed in English is a website dedicated to learning the science of Tajweed. You can find videos, podcasts and different practice material (quizzes etc.) for Tajweed.
Tajweed Videos
This play list is still a work in progress and new videos are added on a regular base, but it is an excellent resource for those who are trying to learn the rules of Tajweed in a detailed way.
Thes videos are a series of short, engaging lectures, going through the rules of Arabic alphabet, makharij (articulation points), sifaat (qualities of letters), waqf (rule stopping and pausing) rasm (Orthography relating to recitation of certain words).
There will also be some elaboration on the meaning of tajweed, the history of it (including the biography of Imam Hafs and 'Asim) and finally, a brief summary on the work of Imam Al-Jazari and Imam Al-Shatibi rhm. This interesting historical background provides English speakers with some context of the great Islamic scholarship that is the basis of how and why we study tajweed today.
Quranic Arabic Corpus
Quranic Arabic Corpus is an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. The corpus provides three levels of analysis:
Morphological annotation or word by word Quraan maps out the syntax of the entire Quran, with analysis and translation.
Syntactic treebank shows details of the words grammar.
and semantic ontology uses knowledge representation to define the key concepts in the Quran, and shows the relationships between these concepts using predicate logic. The fundamental concepts in the ontology are based on the knowledge contained in traditional sources of Quranic analysis, including the hadīth of the prophet muhammad , and the tafsīr (Quranic exegesis) of ibn kathīr.
There is also a Quranic dictionary, where you can enter roots of any given word and find how and when that word appears in the Quraan along with its grammar and translation.
This is a great resource to increase your vocabulary and understanding of the grammar. Using it on a daily basis by looking at the morphological annotation, syntactic tree bank and dictionary will increase your knowledge dramatically, insha Allaah. I also like to look up the verses I am about to memorize the following day, it helps me with the actual process of memorizing, Alhamdulillaah.
Quraan Tafsee Poster 2 for AlBaqara
This poster contains lessons from and verses 8-10 of surah Al Baqara.
You can download it from here. Print borderless for better results.
Tafseer Posters
I have started making these Tafseer posters (for the lack of any other word, though they are not like posters in the real sense, only simple printables). But rather than emphasizing on the translation or other Quraanic sciences, I wanted my children to learn what lesson Quraan offers us in any given verse. So I came up with these Quraan Tafseer posters, the first page gives you the Quraanic Arabic text (an excellent form of revision for the hufaadh by the way), followed by a descriptive translation (Dr. Mohsin Khan) and then there are some colorful cards, each card for a lesson learned from these verses. I will try and write the “lessons” in a simple language, easy enough for the younger kids, but as they are lessons from Quraan, they are beneficial for everyone. It is one of the miracles of Quraan that everyone no matter the age, gender or social standing can benefit equally from this book of Allaah, insha Allaah.
You can post them on your fridge with magnets or a bulletin board. The cards can be cut out or left on the sheets. You can display the cards as a bunting or make a small box and put the cards in there. Whatever works for you! You can rotate the posters every few days or whatever works best for you, insha Allaah.
You can download the first set here. Surah Al Baqara verse 1-7. I will try and upload a set every one or two week, insha Allaah.
5 Pillars Game
5 Pillars game is an Islamic board game designed to educate players on various aspects of the pillars of Islam. They have a facebook page, where they post all kind of fun challenges for you to answer. I particularly like their drawing challenges, where they post a picture and you have to guess what it is about. Normally the pictures represent any verse or concept from Quraan. The best part is that most of the pictures are of unanimated objects. Have a look at the following pictures and their answers:
Prophet Yousuf AS’s dream where sun, moon and eleven stars prostrate before him.
Prophet Muhammad SAW’s hijrah from Makkah to Madinah.
This kind of activity can be really appealing to kids and visual learners of all ages. You can even try your hand at making your own pictures.
Understanding Shaitaan
My unit on understanding Shaitaan can be used when teaching suras like An Naas and Al Baqara etc.
Unit on Jinns
TJ has a unit on Jinns which can come in useful when studying Sura An Naas, insha Allaah.
Jealousy (Hasad)
When teaching Sura Al Falaq, I like to cover the topic of jealousy or hasad completely in order to understand the benefits of seeking refuge from hasad and haasid. Here are a few resources on this topic:
I have made this game for younger children, where they can understand the concept of jealousy and how to protect one’s self from this evil.
For slightly older kids, this unit helps them to explore the concept deeper.
TJ has a unit on jealousy as well.